
Child Safety

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Child Car Seats: Is Your Child Safe?

In the U.S., car crashes are one of the top causes of death for all children ages 1 to 13. Globally, it a leading cause of death for children above the age of five. Child safety seats are one of the most effective methods of protecting your child in a motor vehicle. This article will provide three tips on what you can do to keep your child safer in the car.

Heatstroke: A Child’s Killer, a Parent’s Nightmare

Have you ever walked out to your car, opened the door and sat down inside, only to get back out because of the heat? Have you ever put your hands on the vehicle’s steering wheel and jerked them back because it was too hot to touch? These are common experiences to many of us. Now, imagine a child or a pet sitting inside that hot car, for minutes or hours. Heat causes children and pets to quickly overheat and after a short time, they can die from heatstroke. This article will provide three tips to prevent that from happening.

Road Safety: Parents You Matter!

Your daughter or son is born and you understand you have new responsibilities. There is the expectation to raise your child to be a strong, intelligent, and caring adult. Being a parent requires you work day in and day out supporting, caring, holding accountable, and loving him or her. Most parents understand the importance of continuously providing guidance as well as being a good role model.

Road Safety: Children Are Our Future

Drive in most neighborhoods, and you will see children out playing; walking, running, maybe even riding a bicycle. Drive on a highway, and look into other cars, you will see children in the back seat; talking, reading, and watching. Maybe even in your car’s back seat, you have a son or daughter talking to you or watching you as you drive.

Child Passenger Safety Week is September 15-21

Did you know that the number one killer of children from ages 1 through 12 is car crashes? This week is Child Passenger Safety Week, a time to highlight the importance of having the right car seat for your child or grandchild. When used correctly, a child car seat is the best tool to keep our children safe on the road.

School Safety: Buses, Bicyclists and Pedestrians—Oh My!

Everywhere in the United States our youth are going back to school after a summer of fun and excitement. With children walking to school, riding bicycles or on the school bus, we need to remain alert to the dangers so no child is injured, or worse, killed. It is time to refocus our attention while driving.

Child Safety Seats: The Right One at the Right Time

Did you know that 73% of child safety seats are either not used when needed, or are installed incorrectly?

Did you know that car crashes are the number one killer of children ages 1 to 12 in the United States?

Did you know that correctly installed child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers?

Heatstroke and Your Baby? Look Before You Lock.

With summer here, more children and pets are dying from heatstroke and these tragedies are 100% preventable. This article provides easy tips to ensure it doesn’t happen to your child or pet.