
Road Safety

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Road Safety: Summertime is a Time for Safety

Along the northern hemisphere it is getting warmer, summer is almost officially here; aA time when we go for a drive, ride a motorcycle or bicycle, or even take a walk. Summertime is also a time when traffic fatalities increase because of more vehicles on the road. With that increased risk, summertime is a time for safety. In this article you will find 6 tips for your safety while enjoying the warm weather.

8 Safe Driving Tips During Spring Break

Spring break is happening everywhere — and, with it, more time on the road, as many people drive to vacation destinations all over the country. Whether you’re heading out with roommates for fun in the sun or driving to a family vacation, how can you stay safe during travel? What safe driving tips should you keep in mind?

See Tracks? Think Train!

With approximately 140,000 miles of railway tracks in the U.S., we are at some point going to cross train tracks, whether it is in a car or as a pedestrian. When it is done on a daily basis, it may even become commonplace, but what is never commonplace is the potential risk.

What Will You Contribute Today? 9 Tips for Road Safety

A short time ago I was at a traffic safety conference and one of the speakers asked a very simple question of everyone there – What will you do TODAY to contribute to making where you live and work safer? It is a question we should all ask ourselves daily. That question is a recognition that every day we all have the opportunity to make our roads safer, not just as safety advocates but also as consumers. Read nine tips on how you can be a safer road consumer.

Driving During The Night—8 Tips For Your Safety

Most drivers are used to being on the road at night, and yet many don’t realize the dangers involved. So what can you do to protect yourself on the roads in the dark? What are smart, protective steps to take to stay safe as a driver?

Winter Driving: 5 Tips to Arrive Safely

While the calendar still says it’s fall, in the northern hemisphere many people are starting to see winter conditions: freezing rain and snow covered roads. Every year around this time it seems like people have forgotten how to safely drive in adverse weather conditions. I recently moved back to Michigan, and I have already seen the lack of safety awareness when driving in winter weather.

The Tires on Your Car Go Round and Round: 5 Tips for Tire Safety

Any time you drive somewhere, it always starts with your tires on the road going round and round. However, if your tires are not in good condition, they may not continue going round and round, and that puts you at risk. No matter how well you drive, poor tires can create dangerous situations.

Bicycling – It’s Not Just for Children

In the Northern hemisphere the days are becoming longer and warmer. Trees are growing buds, and leaves turning green; birds are singing songs, and nests are being built. It is springtime, a time when many of us now yearn to be outside, whether it is to walk, to run, or to ride a bicycle. As we start enjoying the warmer weather, it is also a perfect time to remember about being safe, in particular about bicycle safety.

Road Safety: Children Are Our Future

As we drive, children are present, watching and learning. As children walk along the street or ride their bicycle to school, they are learning what road safety means. The question is what lessons are they learning—one of acting in a safe fashion, or one of creating risks and putting others in jeopardy?

Pedestrian Safety: Let’s Go For a Safe Walk

Many people enjoy going for a stroll now and then, but being a pedestrian can be a challenge when crossing paths with motor vehicle traffic. Here you will find 10 tips for walkers and drivers to help save pedestrian lives and avoid injuries. Unfortunately, there are many places where going for a walk is anything but refreshing or safe.

Traffic Safety: You Can Be a Life Saver

Recently I was in Barbados speaking to a number of people, of all ages, about the importance of wearing a seat belt, the harms of underage drinking and the dangers of drinking and driving. Wearing a seat belt, not drinking and driving, not using a cell phone while driving, as well as other similar activities, are all actions that we should always do. It would save tens of thousands of lives, possibly including your own life.

Road Safety: The Call of the Open Road

Have you dreamt of taking a cross-country road trip to see sights unseen? Being safe on a road trip involves many things—following the usual rules about not driving after drinking, no texting while driving, wearing your seat belt, etc.—and a few guidelines specific to long road trips. Planning ahead is essential.

NTSB Announces Top 10 Most Wanted List

On the 16th, the NTSB released its 2014 Most Wanted List, the top 10 advocacy and awareness projects for the independent government agency in 2014. Three on the Ten Most Wanted list will have a direct impact on motor vehicles: Eliminate Substance-Impaired Driving, Strengthen Occupant Protection in Transportation and Eliminate Distraction in Transportation.

Winter Road Safety – Are You Prepared with an Emergency Kit?

It is clearly winter in the northern part of the globe: ice storms, snowstorms, and extreme cold. And remember, officially we are only in the first few weeks of winter. For many, wintertime means traveling where roads are icy or the road shoulder is packed with snow. If you have a flat tire are you prepared?

Traffic Safety and You: What is Your New Year’s “Resolution?”

It is a new year with new possibilities and exciting challenges. During this time, many of us reflect on where we are in our lives, and what we can do to improve our lives. For many, the New Year is a time of resolutions and individual efforts for self-improvement. However, self–improvement should not be limited to our health.

Veterans: Once Home—Stay Safe, Drive Safe

Called Veteran’s Day in the United States and Remembrance Day by the Commonwealth Countries, it is a day to say “Thank you for your service” and to pay our respects to those who have given their lives while in the service of our country. So, today it is appropriate to provide information to ensure that our veterans live long lives after returning from their deployment.

Car Safety: Finding A Safer Car to Drive

Everyone knows that not all cars are created equal. Just look at the variety of car prices and you’ll see a significant price range. Examine the wide variety of vehicles and you’ll see different styles, different sizes, different shapes, and different capabilities. But a couple of safety features are now found with all vehicles: they all have seat belts; they all have front airbags.

School Safety: Buses, Bicyclists and Pedestrians—Oh My!

Everywhere in the United States our youth are going back to school after a summer of fun and excitement. With children walking to school, riding bicycles or on the school bus, we need to remain alert to the dangers so no child is injured, or worse, killed. It is time to refocus our attention while driving.